Clammy is a contemporary musical theater studio and production company that approaches the challenges of our current era from a post-digital perspective. The word "clammy" translates to "viscous" or "sticky", and it is often used to: a) describe the feeling you have when you're sick and your skin becomes cold and damp, b) when the weather is humid and oppressive, or c) when a situation is odd and elicits conflicting feelings.

Clammy Studio is the laboratory where we create and produce our original works. It's also an agora where we engage with philosophy and sociology and experiment with various technological devices. Our shows combine sound, text, lights, video, and technology.

Clammy Shows is composed of a mix of musicians, singers, actors/actresses, performers, choreographers, and software developers, as well as external collaborators such as costume designers, makeup artists, camera operators, screen builders, and psychologists. Its mission is to bring to the stage the productions of Clammy Studio.

the founders

belenish moreno gil


full bio
belenish moreno gil

Belenish Moreno-Gil is a post-composer, musicologist, and performer/singer, what some might call a "mocatriz." Born in Jerez de la Frontera and deeply rooted in Andalusian culture. Without a fixed residence for more than a year, she has wandered around Europe and Spain. She's an artist who navigates between the most avant-garde traditions of her grandmothers and the oldest contemporaneity. "In-between" would be an appropriate way to describe her. If she doesn't know how to do something, she invents it – that's her radical life philosophy. To paraphrase Esther Ferrer, Belenish loves making a living out of things she doesn't know how to do.

Since 11/02/2018, she has been working in tandem with the post-composer Óscar Escudero. Their works have been performed by all the ensembles and festivals that Óscar's biography will mention below.

In addition to her creative work, Belenish is passionate about researching diverse subjects such as Andalusian feminisms or the Zambomba, for instance. She dedicates most of her free time to cooking, reading about theology, and practicing twerk – activities that can easily be combined while preparing vegetarian cannelloni in the oven or boiling a potato.

oscar escudero

óscar escudero

full bio
oscar escudero

Óscar Escudero is a post-composer and former oboist. He has lived in Denmark, Austria, Germany, and various cities across Spain. Since 17/12/2015 at 16:03, the exact date and time he began composing his work [Custom #1], his work addresses the drift of places, bodies, and identities in the post-Internet era. He follows the pantological doctrine, is influenced by Artaud and Wagner, and he also learned teamwork during his school years (thanks, Seño Rosa). Since 11/2/2018 at 16:15, he has been working in tandem with fellow post-composer Belenish Moreno-Gil.

Their productions have traveled to festivals and ensembles all across Europe, including the Münchener Biennale, Rainy Days Luxembourg, Kontakte Biennale, and Wien Modern. While they haven't fully capitalized on these trips for sightseeing (they're working on it), they have used the opportunity to nurture deep friendships and artistic collaborations. Some of these collaborations include the ensemble mosaik, United Instruments of Lucilin, the Kuss Quartet, Noa Frenkel, and Sarah Maria Sun.

He has opened surprise emails announcing that he had been awarded the Prix Ars Electronica, the Giga-Hertz Preis, or the Busoni Förderpreis from the Academy of Arts in Berlin, all of which he celebrated with wine from La Mancha. As a reward, the City Hall of Alcázar de San Juan, his hometown, named him the pregonero (public announcer) of the Fair and Festivities, a role he fulfilled on 1/9/2018.

belenish moreno giloscar escudero, belenish moreno gil
oscar escudero, belenish moreno gil


No solo hacemos nuestro teatro. También creamos y te ayudamos a producir el tuyo. Somos una compañía formada por compositores, aristas visuales y productores obsesionados por un trabajo de calidad que preste atención a todos los detalles.




Los espectáculos de CLAMMY son obras totales, vibrantes e inmersivas del s.XXI para público del s.XXI. Nos gusta generar problemas y sugerir soluciones, devolver un reflejo retador.

¡quiero contratar un show!


Para quienes quieren sumergirse en nuestro universo creativo, los fundadores de CLAMMY, Belenish Moreno-Gil y Óscar Escudero tienen una pasion especial por compartir con el público los ideales que les motivan a crear.

¡contratar una conferencia!


Además de trabajar  en obras propias creadas, producidas y puestas en escena por nuestra compañía también componemos obras por encargo para ensembles, grupos, orquestas o solistas del mundo de la danza, el teatro, la performance o la música.

más información


¿Qué es la dramaturgia musical? Es la que busca dotar de una cohesión y congruencia a tus conciertos, discos o programaciones. Realizaremos una investigación sobre tu repertorio y sobre cómo lo has llevado a cabo en tus anteriores propuestas y te presentaremos diferentes opciones para que lo desarrolles. Buscaremos adecuarnos a cualquier tipo de escenario y público ofreciendo en cualquier formato una experiencia única al público. Además, te ayudaremos con estrategias escénicas (iluminación, atrezzo, vestuario etc.) y otras cuestiones técnicas si fueran necesarias.

más información

Compositores contemporáneos, culturalmente implicados. ¿Tienes un proyecto?

oscar escudero, belenish moreno gil

what we do


booking of events

CLAMMY's performances are total, vibrant, and immersive works of the 21st century for a 21st-century audience. We enjoy creating challenges and proposing solutions, offering a thought-provoking reflection.

performative lectures and talks

For those who wish to delve into our creative universe, the founders of CLAMMY, Belenish Moreno-Gil and Óscar Escudero, have a special passion for sharing with the audience the ideals that motivate their creative endeavors.


composition and production. commissions

In addition to working on our own self-created, produced, and staged works, we are always looking forward to starting new projects for ensembles, orchestras, or soloists in the realms of dance, theater, performance, or music


What is musical dramaturgy? It's the process that aims to provide cohesion and coherence to your concerts, records, or programming. We will conduct research on your repertoire and how you've approached it in your previous works, presenting you with various options for its development. We'll strive to adapt to any type of stage and audience, delivering a unique experience in any format. Additionally, we'll assist you with stage strategies (lighting, props, costumes, etc.) and any necessary technical aspects.

Filming of the audiovisual material for the play "Subnormal Europe" at ZKM Karlsruhe.
belenish moreno gil, oscar escuderooscar escudero, belenish moreno gil
oscar escudero, belenish moreno gil
oscar escudero, belenish moreno gil